Piano Service Knoxville, TN 37920 Brookes Piano Service 865-242-7541 Moving & Regulation
piano moving, Moving & Regulation Call Tony 865-242-7541 It will be helpful to know: 1. Addresses with ZIP Codes, and approximate distance of the piano move. Also, the closest cross street helps to confirm the right address. 2. How tall a vertical piano is (See chart to the right), or how long a Grand piano is. (See chart below ) 3. Number of steps up, or down, and any turns in steps, or turns at the top or bottom. 4. Does the piano have to be moved over Grass, Gravel, Rocks, Bricks, slopes. or other difficulties. Or is it all level Concrete or Blacktop? For our service to be accurately priced we need to have accurate info. You have more knowledge of the piano and the locations and settings than we do, so we have to depend on the information you give us. I have been doing piano care and moving for 35 years and I enjoy my work. I hope I can be a help to you. Tony |